I finally got my Iron Butt SaddleSore 1000 approved! Got my email below:
“This is to Certify that on the 12th of November 2021, tankforwin [sic] rode a 2007 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic a total of 1,012 grueling miles within the state of Texas in less than twenty-four hours starting in Sugar Land continuing on to Beeville, Laredo, Del Rio, Ozona and San Antonio before ending in East Bernard while participating in the Texas SaddleSore 1000. “
Here is a picture of my route that I took:

I rode in a clockwise fashion. The ride was hard because I took a very scenic route from Sugar Land down to Laredo. When I got to the west side of Ozona, the sun already set and I was 16 hours in. The last 8 hours I pushed through with 1 hour of sleep at Kerr Safety Rest Area. Barely made the trip.

Here is the packet I received 5 months later. After rigorous examination by the leaders of the Iron Butt Association, I have finally been approved as a full fledged member. My ride is also permanently recognized on the club website.