I will post some motorcycle maintenance tutorials here when I get the chance!
I have owned a total of 4 motorcycles over the years. My passion started out when I was in dental school in 2012 or so. I was 22 years old and got my first ride, a Honda Shadow 750cc. To be honest, this is not the best ride for a beginner because the bike itself is 550 lbs or so and not the easiest to handle. Did I crash? Yes, twice as a matter of fact and it scared me enough to not get on for several years. I ended up selling this white bike when I moved away from school. Just like forlorn love in your life, I didn’t realize how good of a bike it was until I got more experienced later.

But as corny as it is, life is an adventure. And I am determined to get back in the saddle. A few years later in 2019, I was able to pick up a very cheap, used, cosmetically damaged sport bike Kawasaki Ninja 250cc. This bike was only around 300 lbs and very easy to handle. This got me back in the game and I was feeling really confident with this little crotch rocket. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy riding this sport bike. The riding position was so hunched over and uncomfortable for longer distances. I really loved learning more on this bike and having the opportunity to get back into the sport. In the end, I gave it to a friend who could make more use of it.

A few months after, I came across a great deal on another Honda Shadow 750cc! It was the same bike I had back in the day! I always liked the cruiser style and I had to go get it. I have since added several mods on it, including highway pegs, saddlebags, sissy bar, etc. This is my daily rider and I love it. It is easy to ride and has the classic cruiser look. Being a Honda engine, it is super reliable. (Actually at the moment, it has a small issue with the petcock, I will fix it!! 09-2021).

With my black Shadow bike, I practiced a whole bunch because I did not want to have another big crash. I often took it out at night to empty parking lots as you see in the pictures and practiced my butt off. Now I feel great on it. The 550 lbs of metal weight feels like nothing to me. I rode this bike for 2 years until I started yearning for a BIGGER bike! This is a very common thing with guys who ride. So I just HAD to upgrade. At first I was not planning to upgrade for a while, but I saw a great Harley Ultra Classic for sale by an older gentleman. So long story short, here is my last upgrade bike! (maybe, I might get more…)

This bike is a beast. It has roughly 1800cc and weighs a whopping 900 lbs when it is fueled up. It is super comfortable on the highway though. I can easily take it up to 100 MPH without feeling any issues. It is also great for a 2-up riding…if I ever get a passenger. At the moment, I have two bikes. I alternate riding either one. Good thing bikes don’t get jealous.