Truth in Life

Video Games

New video game (ESO)

Last week, my friend Aeryeon introduced me to a new game, Elder Scrolls Online. It is a MMORPG game, my first time trying out a game like this online. First things first, pick a character. I picked the Argonian (lizard people) for fun. Yes, the lizard. In the picture, I’m on the left as the lizard man. I’m not a small lizard. In fact, I chose the biggest character model for that race. But the woman on the right is Lyris Titanborn, a half-giant in the story. Looking at her makes me want to climb a tree…

The game is full of quests. There are over 1000+ in the story. Every time I log on, there are tons of people with interesting costumes and characters running around. The first few times I played, I got really confused how everyone was doing the same quests I was. The game server sets up multiple instances of the same quests for everyone. I am enjoying this game because it is a much easier game to chill and relax after work. The actions per minute (APM) are much lower compared to some of the other games I play (League of Legends). The best part is that I can join together with my friend to play some quests and run around in Elder Scrolls Online. Overall, the graphics are very good. Story line is interesting and I get to be a cool lizard dude with spikes on my head. The game itself was $20. There are extra DLCs and packs available for purchase for the hard core gamers. For now, I will run around the Tamriel world and see the interesting characters.